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Ultimate Medical Affairs Interview Tracking Spreadsheet

Ultimate Medical Affairs Interview Tracking Spreadsheet

interviewing job search Feb 09, 2024

By Patrina Pellett, PhD


You have a Medical Affairs interview! Congrats! Or maybe you are interviewing with multiple companies at the same time. High five!

If all goes well, you will be invited to interviews with HR people, the hiring manager, the hiring manager's manager, the team, and maybe other important stakeholders. You will need to research the people you are interviewing with, send thank yous and follow ups, and more. That's a lot to keep track of.

Now is the time to buckle down and prepare for making a great impression during the interview process. Staying organized will help you standout during the interview process. Having everything stored in a single location is essential to managing interviews with multiple people and ensuring that you don't forget everything.

Rock your next interviewing round with the Ultimate Medical Affairs Interview Tracking Spreadsheet (click to download).


How to Use the Ultimate Medical Affairs Interview Tracking Spreadsheet


The Ultimate Medical Affairs Interview Tracking Spreadsheet is designed to help manage your interview process. Here's how to get started:


1. Download the spreadsheet
2. Fill this out as you start getting interviews
3. Create a habit around keeping it up to date (your future self will thank you)


The Ultimate Medical Affairs Interview Tracking Spreadsheet is comprehensive and includes practically everything you could want to track. Customize as you see fit! Remove and add columns that help you stay organized.



Keeping track of everything for the interview person can be a daunting process. No need to stress. Use this spreadsheet to stay organized and confident during your interviews.

Try out this spreadsheet and let us know how you like it by commenting on the MSL Mastery LinkedIn page. If you make modifications or find additional ways to use it, please let us know!

Are there other job search spreadsheets you wish you had? Reach out to me and let me know! I would love to hear your thoughts.


Not Getting Interviews?

Do you love the idea of this spreadsheet but don't have anything to enter because you aren't getting interviews? For folks looking to land their first MSL role, check out the Aspire MSL program. It is designed to help aspiring MSLs break into Medical Affairs. Reach out if you have questions!



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