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Examples of How to Use ChatGPT in Your Job Search

Examples of How to Use ChatGPT in Your Job Search

Apr 25, 2024

By Patrina Pellett, PhD (Follow me on LinkedIn)


"AI won't take your job. It's somebody using AI that will take your job." - Richard Baldwin 


In other words, it's time to get on the AI boat. How can job seekers in Medical Affairs use this technology to stick out during the job search? Tom Caravela and Sarah Snyder discuss this in a recent MSL Talk podcast episode. This article expands on the pros and cons that they talk about and gives you examples of how to use ChatGPT in your Medical Affairs job search. 


If you take away anything from these examples, it's that ChatGPT is a tool to help you in your job search. It augments your work, not do it for you. This is a mindset shift that a lot of people need to adapt to. These examples will help with that. ChatGPT is your best idea-generating friend (besides me 🙂). 


How You Write Prompts Matters (Garbage In, Garbage Out)


Before we dive into the examples, a quick word about prompts. If you write a bad prompt, you will get a useless output from ChatGPT. 


Many people don't understand the basics of prompt writing and this is what happens:

  1. They enter a bad prompt into ChatGPT
  2. ChatGPT spits out some random stuff that isn't useful
  3. Then they say ChatGPT is useless


For a guide on how to write good prompts, download my AI Guide for Creativity and Productivity for MSLs here (page 4)


Example of How to Use ChatGPT in Your Job Search


Example 1: Use ChatGPT to Get Ideas on Action Verbs for Your Resume


When you are listing your accomplishments under your past experiences, does your brain also refuse to think of anything besides "determined" or "managed"? Then when you read your resume, you notice that every bullet point has the same 2 words in it.

Getting ideas for more action words is an excellent use for ChatGPT. 


Example Prompt For Resume Action Words


"I'm applying for an MSL role and need to update my resume. My past experiences include getting a PhD and working as an MSL for 2 years at a large pharma company. Please suggest a list of action verbs that I can use to highlight my communication, relationship building, insights gathering and other relevant skills to highlight for an MSL job."


ChatGPT Output



There are lots of interesting verbs in here that help your brain get unstuck. I wouldn't recommend using any of these as the bullet points on your resume though. They are not quantified or results focused. Read how to do this in my article on How to Quantify Your Resume


Example 2: Use ChatGPT to Generate a List of Questions for Interviews


When interviewing, you always want to come prepared with a set of great questions that help highlight your interest and seriousness about the job. But thinking of questions is hard. This is another generate ideas for me ChatGPT example!


Example Prompt for Generating Interviewing Questions


"I am interviewing for a senior MSL position at Amgen with the hiring manager. Help me prepare for my interview by suggesting a list of questions I can ask during the interview. Here are the responsibilities from the job description I am interviewing for,"(Insert from job description)"


ChatGPT Suggestions

Lots of great questions here for you to think about and use to formulate your own. Don't use these questions directly. They sound too robotic. 

As an example, I like question 9. It's a good idea to get an understanding of the type of training you will get on insights but I would never say it like that. This question could be changed to, "What kind of training on insights will I be provided?"


Example 3: Use ChatGPT for Thank You Notes Ideas


You should always send a thank you note to everyone helping you with your job search. But what do you say? Ask ChatGPT for ideas!


Example Prompt for Thank You Notes


"I am an MSL looking to transition to a new role. Patrina helped me find positions to apply to and I want to send her a thank you note. Please suggest ideas for the thank you note and mention how she helped by sending me job descriptions in a friendly informal tone."


ChatGPT Results

To me this sounds a little over the top but it is a good start. You could pull out the pieces that you like and make them sound more like you and more concise. 


Pro-tip: Avoid generic thank-you notes. Stand out by including how the person helped you


Conclusion: Examples of How to Use ChatGPT in Your Job Search


The best practice is to use ChatGPT as your little helper. Do not copy and paste the outputs directly. People can tell when you do this. They don't feel human. Remember the point is to use ChatGPT to give you ideas. It's so great when your brain goes blank or you want to make sure you aren't forgetting anything! 

How have you used ChatGPT in your job search? Reach out to me on LinkedIn to let me know or comment on the MSL Mastery LinkedIn page.


What's Better Than Using AI for Your MSL Job Search?


The Aspire MSL program! ChatGPT can help give you ideas when you can't think of anything but it does not provide you strategic direction on how to get an MSL job. That's what the Aspire MSL program is for. Check it out! It's worth it. 



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