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Examples of How to Network

Examples Of How To Network

job search msls networking Apr 05, 2024

By Patrina Pellett, PhD (Follow me on LinkedIn)


Are you able to reach out to someone you don't know, get them to respond, and then build a meaningful connection with them (i.e. network)?

Networking is a required skill for the job search (here are 3 benefits of networking when searching for an MSL job). Not only that it is REQUIRED for being an MSL. Being an Olympic Gold Medal level networker and relationship builder is what separates average MSLs from top performers.

Does this give you anxiety? No worries, people are not born good at networking. It is something that is learned. MSLs tend to love learning. Approach networking like you would any other topic you want to learn about: as a skill that you can practice and master.

To help you improve your networking skills, here are real-life examples of how to network. These are actual messages that people sent to me and why they worked.


Examples of How to Network


Does Homework


Here are the reasons why this is a good networking message. This person:

  1. Took the time to read my blog posts. Everyone who puts something out into the world wants other people to read it. Demonstrating that you read that person's content is always a great way to start a conversation.
  2.  Complimented me and told me I was right. Genuine compliments go a long way. What's the saying? Compliments get you everywhere šŸ¤£?
  3.  Really demonstrated she read my post by referring to something I said.
  4. Did her homework and found a way to connect with me.

Since this message, I have sent several resources and connected her with an MSL hiring manager! When you do your homework and make the message about the other person, they will be more likely to help you.


Short and Sweet

This example echoes a lot of what was great in the above example:

  1. He read my content and referred to it.
  2. Demonstrated that he actually read my LinkedIn profile.

A lot of people reach out to me and do not do any research on me. Showing that you did your homework will open up doors. Since this message, I gave free career advice and have sent countless MSL job listings and resources.


Offering Help


This is the best example of them all. This person:

  1. Reads my content and complimented me on it.
  2. Shows genuine interest in me.
  3. Actually offers help.

A message like this is really rare. Most people do not offer help. They make the outreach all about them. Level up the offering help networking approach with this easy trick.



The most important thing is to consider things from other's points of view (read my article on this here) and DO YOUR HOMEWORK. Don't forget my trick of offering help. This is such a good way to get people's attention.

Whether you are trying to land your first MSL job or already working in Medical Affairs, doing your homework on the other person and making it all about them will help you network and build relationships.

What are your best networking tips? Reach out to me on LinkedIn and/or share with us on the MSL Mastery LinkedIn page.


More Resources - Learn to Network Like a Pro

Remember networking is a skill to practice and master. If you want to improve in this area, I HIGHLY recommend the Aspire MSL program. There is a whole module on networking with 7 lessons and:

  • How to do it effectively
  • A detailed plan for building your network
  • What to say to HR managers and recruiters

Many folks realize they have been doing networking all wrong before taking this course.


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