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3 Benefits of Networking When Searching for an MSL Job

3 Benefits of Networking When Searching for an MSL Job

job search networking Mar 07, 2024

By Patrina Pellett, PhD (Follow me on LinkedIn)


You are looking to land your first MSL position and send your resume to 100s of job listings. Then you never hear back and start to feel really discouraged. The job market is tough and the MSL job market is super competitive. There is a better way to land your first MSL role: networking. Here are 3 benefits of networking when searching for an MSL Job and why you should double down on it.


3 Benefits of Networking When Searching for an MSL Job


1. Helps get your resume looked at it

When you submit your resume for an MSL role, the chances of having it looked at are infinitely better if someone at that organization knows you have submitted it. The networking needs to be done PRIOR to submitting your application.

Before submitting spend time researching the company and the folks working there. Figure out ways to build your network at that company. When you have a strong network at the company, you can let your contacts know that you have submitted your application. Your contacts can then tell the hiring manager or HR to look out for your resume.

This really helps avoid the resume black hole!


2. Get access to unpublished job opportunities

There are crazy stats on how many jobs are unpublished. This one from NPR says that 70-80% of jobs are unlisted. Where do hiring managers look for their next employee? From their current employees and their network. They reach out to the folks they know and ask do you know a good person for...

Networking gets you access to jobs that are unlisted jobs. Is there anything better than knowing about your next position before it's even published?


3. Sets you up for your next career move

When you land your first MSL role, you will eventually want to do something else. It could be moving to a new company or new role entirely. Spending the time networking and building real relationships will pay off 1000 times over for your career. You never know where your next opportunity will come from and who will help you get it. Networking is being strategic about not only landing your first MSL role, it's an investment in your career.


Networking Career Move Success Story

When I was working as a Field Application Scientist at GE Healthcare, I met the LinkedIn Customer Support Team (the LinkedIn team dedicated to GE) at a big national meeting. Three years later, one of the LinkedIn people I met recommended me for my first Medical Affairs Insights job. I just got a email out of the blue one day saying this person from LinkedIn said I would be a good fit. That's how I got into Medical Affairs! Isn't that incredible? You never know how things will work out!


Instead of spending your time submitting resume after resume and praying that they get looked at, focus on networking and building meaningful relationships. Networking improves:

  • The chances your resume will get a pair of human eyeballs on it
  • Access to jobs
  • Your success when you make your next career move

Remember that networking is building a relationship. Networking does not mean reaching out to everyone and asking them for a referral. Find a way to connect, build the relationship, and make them want to help you. Check out my article on this easy networking trick to help you build the relationship.



Aspire MSL Program - Learn to Network Like a Pro

Networking can significantly increase your chances of landing your first MSL job. If you want to get serious about your networking skills (which you should) check out the Aspire MSL program. In the networking module, you get 7 lessons on networking including:

  • How to do it effectively
  • A detailed plan for building your network
  • What to say to HR managers and recruiters
  • And more

 Ping me if you have any questions. 


Special Thanks To You!

Thank you for reading. I love hearing your stories and how something in these articles resonate with you. Please keep reaching out to me on LinkedIn💛!


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